MetaFit Geelong – BOAVISTA Workout

The new BOAVISTA workout will be on show this week at Geelong’s home of MetaFit, Main Event Fitness! This will run at our usual time of Tuesday & Thursday at 7am. As always casual sessions are available at just $10! Don’t know what MetaFit is? Check out our Metafit page for more info.

‘Boavista’ is a shorter workout at just over 17 minutes, but it is intense! 7 exercises in random order with changing work/ rest times for each of the 3 rounds, followed by a severe core finisher. Willy has a summer feel to the track, not that you should be able to remember the music by the end. Your exercises are as follows in the order they appear… 


Round 1:
Walk out press ups
Rebound squat jumps
Oblique mountain climbers
2 step dash
Floor 2 sky
Sumo hold

Round 2:
2 step dash
Floor 2 sky
Walk out press ups
rebound squat jumps
Sumo hold
Oblique Mountain climbers

Round 3:
Floor 2 sky
Sumo hold
Rebound squat jumps
Oblique mountain climbers
2 step dash
Walk out press ups

Core finisher, 40 seconds on each with a 15 second rest between.
Crucifix plank
Hot hands
Rotation plank

There are a couple of new ones here and some older exercises that that have not been in for a while!

For more info on our Metafit sessions, please contact us HERE:

MetaFit Geelong