Metafit Geelong- June Workout

Hi Guys! The new June workout ‘Bad Boy’ will be on show this week at Geelong’s home of MetaFit, Main Event Fitness! This will run at our usual time of Tuesday & Thursday at 7am. As always casual sessions are available at just $10! Don’t know what MetaFit is? Check out our Metafit page for more info.

We think Badboy is going to be a favourite, at 22 and half minutes long it will challenge anyone going flat out! A progression adds ‘range of movement’ ‘power’ and ‘control’ and to fire up the metabolism we need to work more MUSCLE! We are a HIIT workout, not an endurance workout or an interval workout to music, short bursts of Maximum intensity

Your Badboy workout consists of the following 6 exercises done 4x through with descending work/ rest timings of 30/10 20/10 15/5 and finally 10 seconds work on each.

Floor 2 Sky Jumps
In-Out Press ups
Forward & Back Squat jumps
Oblique Squat thrusts
Explosive Jacks
In-Out Sprints

At the end of each of the above exercises, there is a core exercise for 30 seconds..

Extended Plank hold
Hot hands
Reverse Plank
Plank Rotations
Crab Walk
Pommel Jumps

The Finisher is a run through all of the power 6 exercises 18 seconds work and only 5 seconds rest, then after a 20 second rest all 6 core exercises, again 18/5 timings.

If you have any questions about our Geelong based Metafit classes, then please Contact Us

Good Luck!

Metafit Geelong - Badboy