Metafit Geelong- December Workout
Hi Guys! The new December workout ‘Big Kahuna’ will be on show this week at Geelong’s home of MetaFit, Main Event Fitness! This will run at our usual time of Tuesday & Thursday at 7am. As always casual sessions are available at just $10! Don’t know what MetaFit is? Check out our Metafit page for more info.
This workout is 24 minutes in duration, with 15 exercises in total. ‘Big Kahuna’ has 3 rounds with 4 new exercises in each. Exercises are done individually at first, 18 work/12 rest and then all 4 back to back 18 seconds on each. This is repeated twice through each round. You will notice that each round flows from the floor, then core, to a transition move, then flat out on the feet… No excuses, straight into that next exercise without a sneaky rest!!
Round 1:
Superman Plank
180 Jump Press Up
Tuck Jumps
Round 2:
Hot hands
Oblique Sq Thrust
Agility Sprints
Round 3:
Reverse Plank
Crab walk
Floor 2 Sky
2 Step side dash
The Finisher:
3 back to back exercises, 20 seconds on each with no rest between, for 2 minutes in total. So thats twice through. Make sure people are putting MAXIMUM effort in on every repetition and technique is solid on all 3 of these leg killers
Sumo Hold Walking Squat (new) Rebound Squat Jump
Good Luck