Member of the Month – June



1. Hi Nikki, first of all congrats on getting June Member of the Month! What was it that made you start training at Main Event Fitness?

Thank you! I feel honoured to be member of the month. I started doing boxing and Muay Thai when I was 9 and have been doing these amazing sports on and off ever since! I love it! But being so young it was hard to find a gym that could help me further as most gyms only offer kids classes or adults classes…. I was too “advanced” for kids classes and too young for the adults classes! Tune in Main Event with the perfect in between, ADVANCED KIDS CLASSES! I did those till I turned 14 and then joined the adults classes! And now I occasionally help out with the kids classes which is loads of fun too!

2. You’ve represented Main Event in a couple of interclub fights now, can you tell us a bit about that?

I was so excited when Johnny asked me if I wanted to do an inter club! I trained really hard under the guidance of Amin, Johnny, Kane, Clint, Steve and my main coach Jacob the Whippet! My first inter club I came away with a win and my second inter club I unfortunately had a loss. We have been working on my boxing skills (Thank you coach Kane!), so hopefully it won’t happen again!

3. You’re currently training for the next interclub fight, how’s that going?

There are 4 inter clubs coming up in June and July and I am proud to be representing Main Event in those! I am training hard in both Muay Thai and boxing classes so I am 110% ready to do my best and hopefully make the Main Event family proud!

4. What is your favourite part about our classes?

The stretching at the end, because I know we have finished bahahaha! Just kidding! Stretching is really good and important though, as I am less sore after a good stretch! What I like most is that there is a huge variety in classes! Not just what is being offered, but within the classes there are different things we focus on each class! Sparring, technique, cardio, stretching, clinching, circuit, pad work, running (not my favourite!), weights and even sessions in the pool!

5. What has been your biggest challenge during training so far?

Being the youngest and sometimes the only girl in class, it’s sometimes hard to pair up with someone my own size (who doesn’t “kick me in the balls” JORDAN!!) But in the last few months more and more girls are coming to all the classes and even to sparring on Friday nights and there is heaps of sparring opportunity after the boxing classes too now! All the guys at main event are very helpful and everyone is willing to pair up with me and also to spar, help me get ready for inter clubs and teach me new things! Johnny also organises sparring nights at other gyms for people wanting to do that, so we have the opportunity to spar other people too! Thanks guys and gals!!

6. What would you say to other people your age who are a little unsure about joining the team here?

Just come in and have a go! Take advantage of the 2 free classes to come and try! And if you would like someone your own age, I’ll be more then happy to join you in any class and show you around! Everyone is welcome! Check out the website, make a phone call, or even better just come in and have a chat and a look around! You won’t be disappointed! Hope to see you soon. Thank you Johnny for asking me to be member of the month for June!