Member of the Month – July
Member of the Month – July
Matt Proudlock
We love pumping out Members of the Month here at Main Event Fitness, it’s great to learn a little more about our members and we know other members enjoy reading it too! This month, we’d like to introduce you to Matt Proudlock, who has been part of the Main Event family for about 12 months now..
ME: So you’re originally from the UK, tell us about why you chose to move out here?
Matt: Sun, sea and sand really. There is a reason it is nice and green everywhere in England – because it rains all of the time, so I decided it would be good to try another country and where better than Australia? I love the lifestyle here and everyone seems to be a lot more relaxed than in England. I do miss the pubs and warm beer though.
ME: How long have you been training and where did you start?
Matt: I started doing taekwondo in about 1999, at university (yes, I am that old) and then tried a few different martial arts before finding Muay Thai in Cambridge in the UK in 2005, meaning I’ve been training on and off for 11 years now. I loved Muay Thai straight away and realised that that was the sport for me.
ME: What is your favourite part about being part of the Main Event Family?
Matt: I’ve trained in a lot of gyms moving around over the years and trust me, you can tell straight away when you walk into a good one. Everyone there is enjoying themselves, but focused on what they’re there for. There is none of the macho crap you get in a lot of weight training gyms – if you act like that you’re not going to get far.
ME: What would you say has been the biggest challenge for you during your time training so far?
Matt: I haven’t really had a major challenge – I enjoy it too much to find it hard work. Fitting the training in around my two kids is a bit tough, but having classes throughout the evening means I can usually make something.
ME: Tell us your thoughts on Main Event’s exciting news that they’re teaming up with the Elite Training Center?
Matt: I saw the walk around video of the new place the other day and it looks great (See it here!) The facilities of a full gym combined with all of the classes you could ever want will be great. I have been thinking of trying BJJ for years, but have always struggled to fit it in with Thai boxing – looks like I will now have my chance. I hope we can keep the great family feeling going that’s been built up at Main Event so far.
ME: What advice would you give to someone thinking about getting fit?
Matt: Boxing and kickboxing are one of the best things you can do for fitness. You learn something new every session and it never gets old (take it from me – I’ve been doing it for 11 years). I can imagine that the gym could be intimidating from the outside, but if you try two sessions (which are free) then you’ll be hooked and realise everyone is there to help you out.