February MyZone Challenge

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ETC February MyZone Challenge

We are on the verge of starting our second major ETC MyZone challenge!

Who can join?

All registered users will be invited into the challenge automatically (you will just need to accept to join)

How do I win?

There will be several categories that can be won which include:

  • Most overall points – The person with the most points will win the major prize
  • Most points by gender – If the overall winner is a female this will go to the male with the highest points or vice versa
  • Best average effort – This will be awarded to the person who has the best average effort. This will be averaged out via the number of sessions you complete
  • Over 2000 points – If you get over 2000 points you will automatically go into a raffle to win a prize

Anything else I need to know?

All point accumulated in the grey zone will not be included in your final score. This is to make sure that people are not wearing the belts all day or for long periods of time after a workout. Belts should only be worn while exercising!

What are the prizes?

We have been lucky enough to have several Geelong businesses donate some prizes so far, which will be announced at a later date!

If you are interested in purchasing a MyZone, you can grab them via the front desk or even via the website (with AfterPay!) here.